تقديم المرابحة الودائع
بنك الرؤية يطلق ودائع متوافقة مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية بمعدلات ربح مغرية تصل إلى %4.50
اعرف المزيد
رؤيتك نحن نستثمر
في بنك الرؤية، نسعى جاهدين لأن نكون أكثر من مجرد بنك مؤسسي، فنحن شريكك الموثوق به في مجال الخدمات المصرفية التجارية واحتياجاتك المالية.
تواصل معنا
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رؤيتك استثمارنا،

في فيجن بنك، نسعى لأن نكون أكثر من مجرد بنك تجاري؛ نحن شريكك

الموثوق لجميع احتياجاتك المصرفية والمالية.

تمكين الشركات من خلال حلول مالية مصممة خصيصًا

يُعد فيجن بنك البنك المحلي الوحيد المصنف من الفئة الأولى في سوق أبو ظبي العالمي. مهمتنا واضحة؛ تمكين الشركات في سوق أبو ظبي العالمي ومركز دبي المالي العالمي من خلال حلول مصرفية وتجارية مخصصة تساعدهم على تحقيق النمو والنجاح. بفضل فهمنا العميق لسوق الأعمال المحلي، نحن لا نقدم مجرد حساب تجاري – بل نقدم ميزة استراتيجية.


تجربة رقمية سلسة ومتطورة تلبي كافة احتياجاتك

لدينا الحلول المناسبة التي تلبي احتياجاتك ومتطلباتك المالية.

Vision Bank Corporate Account

الحسابات التجارية

استمتع بتجربة مصرفية خالية من التعقيدات مع حساباتنا التجارية – حل مصرفي سلس مصمم خصيصًا للشركات في سوق أبو ظبي العالمي، مع إجراءات سهلة وسريعة لفتح الحساب.

ودائع مُرابحة

اكتشف الاستقرار المالي والنمو مع حلول ودائع المرابحة لدينا بمعدلات ربح جذابة تصل إلى %4.50

تمويل مُرابحة

قريباً ضمن خدماتنا

قم بتمكين شركتك من خلال تمويل مرابحة، وهو حل موثوق يلبي احتياجاتك المالية.

Current Account for SMEs

Unlock financial flexibility and acquire growth opportunities with our Current Account tailored for SMEs in ADGM. Experience seamless transactions and convenience as you navigate to the path to business success.

Vision Bank safety measures

معايير السلامة والأمان العالمية

سلامة الأموال التجارية هي الأولوية القصوى لدينا. لقد اتخذ فيجن بنك جميع التدابير اللازمة لضمان أمان وسلامة معلوماتك المالية وأصولك. نحن مزودون بأنظمة أمان متقدمة لضمان تجربة مصرفية آمنة ومحمية:

Our Digital Solutions

Digitising Corporate Experience

We are driving innovation in Corporate Banking through co-created and integrated digital solutions


The banking ecosystem that simplifies day-to-day operations and business processes.


A market leading platform that lets you manage all your Trade finance requirements in just a few clicks.


An integrated and automated tool designed to enhance and simplify your supply chain collaborations.

smartBUSINESS Connect

Secured and automated exchange of data between your ERP system and the Bank.


Deposit cash, cheque or coins from your premise, and instantly receive credit throughout the day.


Access Structured Rate products through our global trading platform.

Invest in Your Tomorrow

Discover personalized solutions and
expert advice tailored to your unique
goals. Start your journey towards
prosperity today.

What We Offer

Our Personalized Business Solutions

Explore our tailored solution for your Business Needs & Requirements.


Experience Next Level Banking Experience with our Current Account Product – a seamless banking solution designed for SMEs in ADGM.


Streamline international transactions with ease with our Dollar Payment Support, providing a convenient way for our customers to conduct transactions.


We strengthen ADGM SMEs with personalized financial support, nurturing growth, and the ability to adapt through dedicated solutions.


What They Say

Interdum faucibus semper arcu nostra accumsan id leo. Dis vulputate elementum tincidunt convallis vitae proin gravida.

Brian McKnee CEO Company A

Interdum faucibus semper arcu nostra accumsan id leo. Dis vulputate elementum tincidunt convallis vitae proin gravida.

Brian McKnee CEO Company A

Interdum faucibus semper arcu nostra accumsan id leo. Dis vulputate elementum tincidunt convallis vitae proin gravida.

Brian McKnee CEO Company A

Interdum faucibus semper arcu nostra accumsan id leo. Dis vulputate elementum tincidunt convallis vitae proin gravida.

Brian McKnee CEO Company A
Robert L Barrett


Theodore E Castillo


Meet Team

Our Leader Team

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Frequently Ask Questions

Discover some of the Frequently Asked Questions about Vision Bank.
What is Vision Bank?

Vision Bank is a Bank in Abu Dhabi Global Market that provides tailored solutions for SMEs. Our mission is to empower SMEs in ADGM with tailored financial solutions for business growth. Vision Bank follows the shari ‘ah board rules and regulations ensuring trust and reliability.

What Products Vision Bank Offer?

As part of our commitment to supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in ADGM, Vision Bank offers current accounts for SMEs in ADGM, designed to provide convenient and tailored banking solutions for business operations.

Does Vision Bank Provide Security for their Customers?

Vision Bank prioritizes safety first. We have implemented comprehensive precautions to guarantee the utmost security and protection of your financial data and assets. 


Our bank is fortified with cutting-edge security systems, ensuring a banking experience that is both secure and dependable. These security measures encompass:


Data Encryption: Your sensitive financial information is shielded through robust encryption protocols, safeguarding it from unauthorized access.


Multi-Factor Authentication: We enforce multi-factor authentication procedures, adding an extra layer of security by requiring multiple forms of verification to access your accounts.


Transaction Monitoring: Our transaction monitoring system tracks and assesses all activities, promptly identifying and responding to any suspicious or unauthorized transactions.


These precautions reflect our commitment to providing you with a banking environment that prioritizes the confidentiality and safety of your financial affairs.

Does Vision Bank provide Financial Support for SMEs in ADGM?

We empower ADGM’s small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) by offering customized financial assistance. Our goal is to nurture their growth and help them remain flexible by providing tailored solutions that cater to their unique needs.

Are your financial products and services in ADGM aligned with Shari'ah principles?

At Vision Bank in ADGM, we are dedicated to upholding Shari’ah principles in all our financial products and services. Our offerings are thoughtfully designed to align with ethical and Islamic values. With a dedicated board of scholars overseeing our compliance, you can trust that everything we offer, from products to transactions, follows the guidelines of Islamic law. Choose Vision Bank for financial solutions that align with your values and give you confidence.